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Guangzhou Hoppen Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangdong, China
Produk utama: Penganalisa kulit, penganalisa rambut, mesin dermabrasi hidro, mesin ukiran tubuh, mesin penghilang rambut
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Professional Skin Analyzer
Skin Analysis + Skin Care System
Oxygen Facial Machine
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In 2003,

Hoppen factory do the OEM/ODM service for beauty salon and cosmetics shops.


In 2013,

Wesipull brand established,and cooperate with same well-known Institute.

Wesipull develop the frist professional skin analyzer in the market.


In 2017,

Watsons Chain shops become our strategic business partner.


In 2018,

New revolution for skin analyzer for full face.


In 2019,

Functional Beauty Machines with skin analyzer released.